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A list of SEVENTY attention-grabbing skin care and beauty holidays to mention on social media for your handmade business in 2025!
While posting a generic holiday message in your feed is better than *nothing*, it will not make your business stand out.
By sharing celebrations and days of awareness actually related to your industry, you’ll keep your handmade biz TOP of mind.
Engagement tips included below that are sure to foster a feeling of community (and fill up that like-know-trust tank) on your social channels!
January 2025 Skin Care & Beauty Holidays
National Bath Safety Month: Traditionally about ensuring a safe environment for children and seniors, this is a fun month to highlight any of your bath products such as bath bombs, bath salts, or bath teas.
January 1, New Year’s Day: Share products that will help your audience with any of their resolutions (more self care, new skin care routine, etc.) OR share your own business goals for the year.
- (Engagement tip: ask your audience to share their skin care goals)
January 3, Festival of Sleep Day: Highlight any calming, relaxing products used before bedtime.
January 8, Winter Skin Relief Day: Fill your feeds with everything ‘dry skin’ – natural facial serums, moisturizing salves, and lotion bars.
January 16, Get to Know Your Customers’ Day: Once a quarter, reach out to your audience to learn more about them! Ask some business-related questions to form more fruitful social media relationships!

February 2025 Skin Care & Beauty Holidays
February 4, National Hemp Day: Highlight any products in your line that contain CBD, such as inhalers, creams, and salves.
February 9, Read in the Bathtub Day: Showcase all of your favorite bathtime products.
- (Engagement tip – ask your audience what they’re reading right now!)
February 14, Valentine’s Day: Share any love or rose-inspired products you create, especially if you use dried rose petals, rosehip carrier oil, or rose absolute in your skincare line.
February 17, Random Acts of Kindness Day: Spread some love of your own by randomly choosing one of your followers to receive a free product from your shop!

March 2025 Skin Care & Beauty Holidays
Women’s History Month: The skin care industry is predominantly run by women, and celebrating this is worth more than one monthly mention. Share photos and information about the females in your life who have inspired you on your entrepreneurial journey.
March 7, National Day of Unplugging: Talk about this popular movement BEFORE the date; encourage your audience to pause all technology use for 24 hours to recharge their internal batteries
- (Engagement tip: Check out these photos and create a similar printable for your audience – have them take a photo of the skin care or self care they indulge in on Unplugging Day and tag you after the 24-hour tech break!)
March 8, International Women’s Day: Even if you’ve been celebrating the achievements of women all month, this is the day to raise awareness and take action.
- (Engagement tip: Get your entire following involved by choosing free resources that support IWD, such as videos, selfie cards, activities, social media assets, and more.)
March 16, Lips Appreciation Day: Never a better day to promote all of your lip balms, lip tints, and lip scrubs!
March 21, Fragrance Day: For all the natural product makers out there, it’s time to flood the world with NONTOXIC fragrances…showcase your aromatherapy rollers, solid perfumes, and essential oil air fresheners!

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April 2025 Skin Care & Beauty Holidays
Stress Awareness Month: Stress on the inside can be seen on the outside. Educate your followers about the ramifications of not dealing with stress correctly.
April 5, National DIY Day: Share a quick skin care recipe that your followers can make at home with common ingredients.
April 17, Get to Know Your Customers’ Day: Once a quarter, reach out to your audience to learn more about them! Ask some business-related questions to form more fruitful social media relationships!
April 22, Earth Day: Are your products or containers sustainable? Talk about your plastic-free mission or eco-friendly packaging.
April 26, National Sense of Smell Day: Many skin care and beauty products have a scent, and today is the day to celebrate scenting yours with all-natural essential oils!
- (Engagement tip: Ask your audience to respond with their favorite aroma and why.)

May 2025 Skin Care & Beauty Holidays
May 3, Garden Meditation Day: Encourage taking the time to slow down and relax. A wonderful day to highlight any aromatherapy products in your line.
May 3, Herb Day: Make a carousel post of all your herbal products! Think herbal infusions, herbal essential oils, dried herb soap tops, etc.
May 10, Stay Up All Night…Day: While lack of sleep (especially on purpose!) isn’t encouraged, this is a great day to talk about the importance of sleep for skin cell regeneration AND the skin care and beauty products that can assist when dealing with dreaded under-eye circles.
May 11, Mother’s Day: Reflect on your own experience with motherhood and how it has impacted your life as a maker.
- (Business tip: Mother’s Day is one of the top e-commerce sales days of the year – plan for this in advance by promoting gift sets at a variety of price points.)
May 21, Turn Beauty Inside Out Day: A day to focus on good works, good hearts, and activism. What is inside matters the most.
- (Engagement tip: Start a conversation about how we can work together to celebrate inner beauty throughout our communities.)
May 20, World Bee Day: Give a shout-out to the bees by highlighting your handmade products that contain beeswax…carrier oils…seeds…nuts…we can thank the bees for almost every ingredient in natural recipes!
May 27, Sunscreen Day: Highlight any of your products that have a natural SPF (beeswax, shea butter, carrot seed oil, etc.). Discuss the importance of using a mineral sunscreen vs. a chemical one.

June 2025 Skin Care & Beauty Holidays
June 5, World Environment Day: How do you as a business owner do your part for the environment? Sustainable packaging? Bulk purchasing? Low-impact ingredients? Publicize your efforts!
June 14, International Bath Day: Run a promotion on your bath products and give a little shout-out to Archemidies while you’re at it.
June 15, Smile Power Day: Get everyone smile-ready with your lip balm or lip tints.
- (Engagement tip: Run a smile campaign with a branded hashtag for your followers to use as they share their smiles all over social media…while wearing your lip products!)
June 15, Father’s Day: A day to celebrate a father’s influence on society – reflect how fatherhood has impacted your life as a maker. Highlight any products for men, such as beard oil or shaving soaps.
June 18, Splurge Day: A day for your audience to treat themselves to something they normally wouldn’t! Prepare a site-wide sale to help them feel responsibly splurge-y.
June 21, National Selfie Day: Host a selfie contest on your most popular social channel!
- (Engagement tip: Have your followers enter with a business-branded hashtag…bonus points if they add what product of yours they’re using/wearing in their selfie!)
June 23, National Hydration Day: Drinking enough water is the #1 skin care and beauty tip across the globe. Remind your followers to drink up (and up and up!).
June 30, Social Media Day: A day to recognize the positive impact social media has had on the world and how we communicate – be sure to thank your followers for being a part of your social world!

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July 2025 Skin Care & Beauty Holidays
Independent Retailer Month: This is your month to shine! Get resources here for promotions and creatives to download.
UV Safety Awareness Month: Share all you can about skin protection this month!
July 3, Compliment Your Mirror Day: “You are beautiful. You are smart. You are strong.” Your inner voice is more powerful than any skin care or beauty product. Share a list of soulful affirmations for your audience to copy or print out.
July 6, National Kissing Day: Help your followers pucker up with lip balm suggestions, a DIY lip scrub recipe, or even an aphrodisiac roller ball to get the attention of that special someone.
July 11, International Essential Oils Day: Share the benefits of using essential oils in your handmade products and the company you use (and why).
- (Engagement tip: Ask your followers to share their favorite essential oil.)
July 17, Get to Know Your Customers’ Day: Once a quarter, reach out to your audience to learn more about them! Ask some business-related questions to form more fruitful social media relationships!
July 29, Lipstick Day: Host a giveaway of one or all of your lip tints or lip colors.
July 24, International Self Care Day: More than just a facial. Self care is a foundation of health and wellness. Share products that promote self care today and every day.

August 2025 Skin Care & Beauty Holidays
National Wellness Month: Put a focus on wellness all month long in your feed with the pledge and calendar on this site to guide your way.
August 8, National CBD Day: Educate your audience on the benefits of CBD – even if you don’t include CBD products in your line. Knowledge is power!
August 15, National Relaxation Day: Run a sale on all of your relaxing blends and products!
August 15, Men’s Grooming Day: Beard oil, beard wax, shaving soaps, and beard conditioners – this is their day in the spotlight!
August 16, World Honey Bee Day: Share the benefits of using beeswax in your products and put your top 3 beeswax recipes on a carousel post.
August 25, Kiss and Make Up Day: A great day to highlight your lip scrubs, lip balms, or lip tints!

September 2025 Skin Care & Beauty Holidays
National Skin Care Awareness Month: A great month to focus on new releases! Share a skin care tip each day, featuring a product in your handmade shop.
September 6, World Beard Day: Help your audience celebrate the beards in their lives by offering a discount on all beard oils, conditioners, and waxes!
September 21, World Gratitude Day: Nothing can make the skin glow brighter or a smile shine whiter than true gratitude. Share what you are grateful for as a business owner.
- (Engagement tip: Have your audience comment about what they are most grateful for today, big and small.)
September 30, National Mud Pack Day: Put all of your facial masks and treatments on display!
- (Engagement tip: Make sure all of your followers know to tag you in their face mask selfies today! Give a surprise gift to the most creative photo!)

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October 2025 Skin Care & Beauty Holidays
Breast Cancer Awareness Month: With the link between synthetic chemicals in personal care items and breast cancer, there is no better time to discuss the importance of 100% natural skin care and beauty products.
October 1, International Coffee Day: Put your own spin on Coffee Day by highlighting your ground coffee skin care products – an amazing exfoliant and odor eliminator!
October 3, World Smile Day: Another smiley day to fill your feed (can’t ever have enough of that!). Showcase any products that include happy, uplifting citrus essential oils and blends!
- (Engagement tip: Ask your audience the ONE thing that can ALWAYS make them smile!)
October 7, Inner Beauty Day: Skin care is great and beauty products are fun, but nothing can compare to letting your individuality shine.
- (Engagement tip: Encourage your audience to take a makeup-free selfie and post it along with describing their own inner beauty…make sure they tag you if you’ll be adding a giveaway!)
October 16, Get to Know Your Customers’ Day: Once a quarter, reach out to your audience to learn more about them! Ask some business-related questions to form more fruitful social media relationships!
October 30, National Checklist Day: Provide a must-have checklist for a daily and nightly skin care routine or products to always have on hand.
In need of some handy regimen checklists for your skin care line? Check out the holistic skincare guide templates that are fully editable with your own business information (available for 5 different skin types)!

November 2025 Skin Care & Beauty Holidays
National Gratitude Month: Individuals who practice gratitude exercise more, sleep longer and better, experience more joy, and and and…ALL of which play a direct hand in the appearance of your skin health and glow.
- (Engagement tip: Host a month-long campaign with a branded hashtag. Have your audience submit one gratitude post each day – have a prize for a chosen individual who completed each day.)
November 1, World Vegan Day: Highlight your vegan products and shops with links to validate your ingredient sources.
November 5, International Stress Awareness Day: Educate your audience on how stress is directly related to the appearance of skin (some calendars mark this awareness day as November 1st).
- (Engagement tip: Ask your followers to share their favorite stress-busting activity.)
November 13, World Kindness Day: Share some love and kindness by going to other makers’ social media accounts and complimenting their work – community over competition!
November 28, Black Friday • November 29, Small Business Saturday: With e-commerce sales on the rise more than ever before, make sure you have a promotional campaign ready for the busiest shopping weekend of the year!

December 2025 Skin Care & Beauty Holidays
12 Days of Christmas: Pre-plan a twelve-day promotion at the beginning of the month to highlight all of your gift-worthy sets and products. Don’t forget to include a variety of price points and perhaps a free gift-wrapping giveaway!
December 1, Cyber Monday: With e-commerce sales on the rise more than ever before, make sure you have a promotional campaign ready for this shopping day perfect for skin care websites!
December 5, Bathtub Party Day: Highlight all bath products to help your following celebrate in whatever way that they choose!
December 26, National Thank You Note Day: As the world gets out its pens to thank loved ones for their holiday company and gifts, don’t forget to thank your audience for their support throughout the season (or catch up on your own hand-written business thank you notes)!
December 31, New Year’s Eve: Remind your audience to make resolutions focused on self-care, skin care, and things that make them glow from the inside out!

ENJOY sharing these skin care and beauty holidays with your social media following!
This industry was MADE for online marketing – plan every post with intention!!!
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