Contact DIY Skin Care Business (Christine Glaser, C.A.)

I love hearing from readers and students of my resources! While I read each and every message received, I can’t respond to every one due to the volume. I strive to provide solutions to every question and contact in some way, so please read through the options below to figure out the best way to connect!

Blog Post or Resource Suggestion

If there is topic you would like to suggest I write about in a blog post or ebook/course that you would like to see created, leave it as a suggestion below (please use the site search feature before emailing to make sure it hasn’t been tackled already). If there is enough interest or it’s a topic I think would be a good fit, I’ll consider researching and creating the content for you!

Guest Posts

DIY Skin Care Business does not accept unsolicited guest posts and any emails requesting to guest post on the blog will be marked as spam and ignored. Thanks for understanding.

Linking to or Reposting Content

All content on is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. Content may not be reprinted, reposted or republished in any form as this is duplicate content that can be penalized by search engines and hurt both websites. I do not allow translation and publication of our content in other languages.

I allow links back to my website and specific posts on my site from high-quality websites. I also allow quotes of up to 200 words provided that there is a link back to my original post.

Advertising, Sponsorship, & Promotions

DIY Skin Care Business does not work with or allow any of the following:

  • Free product in exchange for a review
  • Paid links or link exchanges
  • Non-curated advertisements
  • Third party promotional companies or services
  • Network marketing, multi-level marketing, or other pyramid structured companies
  • Unsolicited joint venture promotions or partnerships

Emails regarding any of the above will not be answered. If you are a company or brand with amazing quality and values and feel your products, values, and mission align with ours and are interested in working together, please fill out the contact form below.

Thanks as always for visiting DIY Skin Care Business!